We took a strategic approach to plant so we would maximize the usage of the land since we knew this farm was going to be a long-term project. Last year, we spent a lot of time planting crops that will take longer to mature, while we figured out all the other aspects of the project. The rains have started! All the things we planted on site last year should be very happy for the next few months. However, our top priorities were biodiversity, sustainability, and “regenerative agriculture i.e., putting back into the land more than what we’ll take from it.
1. We planted over 300 coconut trees to clearly mark and identify the boundary line around the property. In 3 years, they should be ready for harvest, and we can sell or process accordingly.
2. We planted sugar cane in the low-lying areas where water accumulated more. We plan to have catfish on-site so that when we process the fish, the remaining waste can be mixed with the sugar cane to eventually be converted into fertilizer for other crops on-site.
Banana suckers and sugarcane cuttings ready for planting
3. We planted plantain…because who doesn’t like fried plantains?
Newly transplanted plantains
4. Since the orange trees are more than 20years old, we need to start phasing them out with new tree species. The image with the listed trees species is some of what we planted.
5. This year we’ll be planting more of the crops since our site is a demo farm. We can use the fruits we harvest to test our processing methods and the things that can be used as fertilizer or feed for the livestock.
6. Ultimately, our guests will have the true “farm to table” experience, where they pick the foods they want to eat for our chefs to prepare.
Pawpaw and coconut seedlings ready for planting
Stay tuned!