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About Us

Established in 2022, ProFarms Gateway, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization focused on creating bicontinental training centers. Our mission is to empower rural families in Ghana and low-income communities in Richmond, Virginia, by providing skills in regenerative agriculture and climate resilience, highlighting various elements of the agriculture value chain (primary production, processing, and distribution). Focal areas include capacity building and skills development in sustainable farming, agripreneurship, agritech, and agri-ecotourism. 


PFG was co-founded by Dr. Jacqueline McDonnough, a science and sustainability enthusiast motivated to translate her academic knowledge into tangible solutions for society. Dr. McDonnough is a former Richmond Public School science teacher and retired faculty member of the Virginia University School of Education. Steven McDonnough, CGBP, is an international trade and development professional specializing in off-grid infrastructure solutions. He is also a former financial and real estate professional, a business consultant, and a graduate of Benedictine College Preparatory School and Virginia Commonwealth University. Steven is married to Naomi, and they have two children, Love and Adanna. Naomi is a marketing and communications professional with a background in construction and development. She is also an herbalist, utilizing teachings from her father and grandmother, both of whom were community herbalists in Ghana.


The McDonnoughs have been active residents of the Highland Park neighborhood for more than 30 years and feel it is necessary to share what they’ve learned throughout their careers to educate future generations and socio-economic growth and development. The organization was established to help bridge the knowledge and technology gap between the United States and Africa. This will accelerate rural development and diversify food production within a rapidly changing climate while demonstrating a simplified growing system in an urban environment that can be replicated and scaled globally.


Our Richmond training center is designed to inspire individuals, particularly youth, by teaching them aquaponics and helping them develop local commercial ventures to improve their livelihoods. PFG maintains gardens and a fruit orchard across three residential yards in Highland Park. The gardens comprise fruit trees (plums, peaches, cherries, figs, apples, citrus, guavas, bananas, etc.), various herbs and vegetables, and an ornamental fishpond. The garden uses IBC tanks within its water harvesting system for water conservation. To date, our Central Virginia-focused activities consist of acquiring the technical, human capital, and supporting resources to implement agriculture value-chain development activities abroad. Projects include an online two-way trade-focused education platform, travel and tours facilitation, and engagement with investors, donors, and partners to support international development and foreign direct investment.


In Ghana, PFG has trained over 500 beneficiaries, school pupils and their teachers, farmers, women and youth, sustainability enthusiasts, visitors from the general public, and participants in our work-based training activities. Training consisted of pilot site landscaping exercises; instruction on crop planting, soil enrichment, maintenance, and harvesting techniques; and water runoff terracing activities to slow erosion and collect rainwater to raise the water table on the farm. Current activities include training and demonstrations on damming water streams, digging aquaculture ponds, and planting multi-use feedstock crops, like sorghum, for livestock feed.


We aim to utilize advancements in technology and communication to foster knowledge exchange between the two continents, using agriculture as a means to encourage collaboration and explore new opportunities.

PFG is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit charitable organization in Virginia, USA (EIN 87-42007434), and as an NGO in Ghana (Reg. #Cg044120722).

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