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About Us

ProFarms Gateway (PFG) envisages the development of a world-class training and innovative “demonstration” farm in the Ashanti region that will provide training and skills development in the agricultural sector. This one-of-a-kind concept is necessary to provide trainees access and exposure to the possibilities within the agriculture sector that will expand their minds and perspectives, while providing the tools necessary to spark innovation.  Participants of our programs include current or aspiring farmers, marketers, investors, and agric extension officers/ agents, with an emphasis on youth and women.

Through PFG, all generations of the smallholder farmer household can be exposed to sustainable farming techniques, in familiar rural settings, that will improve their livelihoods. 

PFG believes that in order to spark innovation, youth (especially) need to be exposed to both basic and advanced techniques and then be supported to use what they have access to, ultimately finding solutions for their specific problems. 

PFG is registered as a non-profit organization in Virginia, U.S.A. and as an NGO in Ghana to promote “purpose-driven,” agriprenuership activities.


Key Objectives:

​PFG is utilizing our site as a training center of excellence to:

  • To drive the achievement of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals to help combat climate change and food & nutritional security, while contributing to the achievement of Agenda 2063. 

  • To accelerate the agriculture technology needs of small holder farmers, researchers, and NGOs working along the development trajectory of agriculture in Ghana

  • To establish sustainable operations and management training programs for rural farmers, particularly women and educated unemployed youth, and investors

  • To create the opportunity for partnerships between U.S. and Ghanaian organizations, institutions, and companies to increase knowledge transfer and two-way trade under the Feed the Future and AfCFTA Initiatives

  • To develop a scalable model that can be duplicated across Ghana and to millions across Africa.

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